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By Danelle & Brendan Murray


Return to the wild is an inspirational story of a rescued otter that was raised in captivity and a family's dedication to setting him free.


His release comes with many challenges, not the least of which is that it is soon discovered that Lazarus, a Cape Clawless Otter, is afraid of water and they must find a way to help him overcome this.  Conservationist couple Brendan and Danelle assuredly tackle their task, despite the doom-laden prophecies of critics, and succeed in teaching Lazzy to swim, hunt and survive on his own.


The authors take the reader on a personal and heart-warming journey of discovery that finally leads to his freedom.


Return To The Wild (ISBN: 978-1-3999-2708-6): Perfect Bound, 130+ pages including hi-resolution photos.

Return To The Wild - The story of a captive otter and his journey to freedom

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